

일본 근세후기 소설 창작 방법론 -『간탄 쇼코쿠 모노가타리(邯鄲諸国物語)』의 초고본과 간행본을 중심으로-


Novel Creation Methodology in Late Modern Japan - Focused on drafts and publications of “Kantan shokoku monogatari”-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines Ryutei Tanehiko’s creative techniques through comparative analysis about the drafts and publications of his Gokan “Kantan shokoku monogatari”. In this paper, I focused on how much the red letters of the authors written in the second manuscript are reflected in the publication. As a result, the following has been confirmed. ①appearance, pose and age of characters, ②detailed design to fit objects in illustrations and entire border, ③characteristic to express setting necessary for story progress through costume of character. Thus, Tanehiko instructed the artist to reflect the artist’s intention through the red letters of the second manuscript. And Utagawa Kunisada, the painting artist, accepted the author’s request almost as it was. This has been clarified by comparison with the publication. It is not unique to Tanehiko to write the second manuscript when the writers write Gokan. For example, in the second manuscript of Kyokutei Bakin’s major work, “Nanso Satomi Hakkenden”, various instructions on the artist’s sketches and illustrations are written. Barkin’s sketches and the requirements of the red letters were also almost accepted in the publication. As stated above, the production of the second manuscript by the authors of the late modern times is a common feature, and it can be seen that the author’s red letters played an important role in the development of the story of the work.


本稿は近世後期の戯作者である柳亭種彦の合巻󰡔邯鄲諸国物語󰡕の草稿本と刊行本を比較・分析し、彼の創作技法について考察したものである。本稿では、草稿本の第2原稿(刊行直前の状態に本文と挿絵を配置した原稿)に書かれている作者の朱書が刊行本にどのように反映されていたのかに注目した。その結果、①登場人物の衣装の模様、仕草、年齢、②挿絵の枠組みの絵柄、③登場人物の衣装についての朱書があり、これらは刊行本にそのまま反映されていた。 合巻を執筆する際、第2原稿を作るのは、近世後期の他の合巻作者からも確認できた。例えば、種彦と同時代に活躍した曲亭馬琴も󰡔南総里見八犬伝󰡕の第2原稿に挿絵に対する朱書がかかれてあった。だが、第2原稿の朱書は、刊行本の挿絵に全部反映されていなかった。このように近世後期の合巻作者は作品を執筆する際、第2原稿を作り、挿絵にも創作意図を盛り込んでいたのでる。だが、朱書の内容が刊行本にどのように反映されるかは、作者によって異なっていた。


1. 머리말
2. 『쇼코쿠모노가타리』 제2원고의 주서(朱書)
3. 『쇼코쿠모노가타리』의 시간의 흐름
4. 『쇼코쿠모노가타리』의 이야기의 장치 - 오카나(阿加奈)와 오타다(お只)의 잠옷에 관한 주서 -
5. 마무리 - 교쿠테이 바킨(曲亭馬琴)의 제2원고와 간행본의 경우 -



  • 김미진 Kim, MiJin. 한국예술종합학교 세계민족무용연구소 상임연구원, 일본근세문학·문화전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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