

名詞・形容詞述語のタ形について -「完了」との関わりを中心に-


About ‐ta(タ) of a predicate noun and a predicate adjective - Concentrating upon the relation to the perfect -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study contemplates that the usage of the perfect have in タ形 of a predicate noun and a predicate adjective also. Originally, because a predicate noun and a predicate adjective conceptualize stativity, the usage of the perfect like タ形 of a predicate verb would been not accept. But, タ形 of a predicate noun and a predicate adjective includes the case related to “the perfect” that was different from “the past”, so the perfect was classified in this study the usage of タ形 of a predicate noun and a predicate adjective could divide into 3 usages as follows 1. the case that the completion of a chain of events was reflected in conversations ・(the greeting of a clerk after that shopping was finished)「ありがとうございました」 ・(after finishing a meal)「おいしかった」 2. the case that the outcome of the confirmatory act was reflected in conversations in the situation informing a counterpart ・(when making a report after looking at a bulletin board)「明日の講義は休講だったよ」 3. the case the outcome of the speaker’s guess was reflected in the sentence to be confirmed ・(Watching that the person who enters the hot water first in the hot spring makes a hot expression) 「熱かった?」


1. はじめに
2. タ形の意味
3. 形容詞・名詞述語のタ形と「完了」との関わり
3.1 名詞・形容詞述語のタ形における「完了」の意味
3.2 名詞・形容詞述語のタ形における「完了」の類型
4. まとめ


  • 金殷模 김은모. 全北大学 日本学科 講師, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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