

[일반 연구]

Research on Cultural Differences and Cross-cultural Management of Sino-Korea Joint Ventures : Taking Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. as a case


한중합자기업의 기업문화차이와 이문화관리에 관한 연구 : 북경현대차동차공사의 사례를 중심 으로

Wang Yixuan, Song Jaehoon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the 21st century of global economic integration, the world's economic relations have become increasingly close, and foreign investment and transnational operations have become an inevitable development trend. Joint ventures are enterprises jointly invested by foreign and host countries under the international market economy, which further promote the economic exchanges between countries and the development of global economy. As a neighbor, China and South Korea have close contacts in various fields such as economic trade and cultural exchanges. However, there are still cultural differences that cannot be ignored in Chinese and Korean cultures. It is a potential risk and obstacle to cross-cultural management of Sino-Korea joint ventures. Cultural differences are double-edged swords. The joint venture managers' ability to improve cross-cultural management is to play a positive role in the operation of the cultural differences, to avoid destructive cultural conflicts caused by the expansion of differences, and to affect the overall development of the enterprise. Based on the differences between Chinese and Korean corporate culture, this paper makes a comparative analysis of Chinese and Korean corporate culture, and takes Beijing-Hyundai Auto as a specific case, studies the cross-cultural management of Sino Korean joint ventures, and finally puts forward solutions and ideas, hoping to provide a theoretical reference for Beijing Hyundai company to better carry out cross-cultural management. In addition, through the analysis of modern cases in Beijing-Hyundai, the managers of Sino Korean joint ventures can deepen their understanding and recognition of each other's culture, effectively turn corporate cultural differences into the driving force of enterprise development, and formulate effective cross-cultural management programs. Therefore, the research results of this paper have certain practical significance and practical value. The content structure of this paper is as follows: First of all, the introduction introduces the macro development background and current situation of Sino Korean joint ventures, points out the existing problems in the management of Sino Korean joint ventures, and briefly introduces the basic situation of Beijing-Hyundai and the research value as a case of cross-cultural management. Secondly, in the part of theoretical research, this paper systematically collates the theoretical research on corporate cultural differences and cross-cultural management through literature research. In terms of the academic achievements in this field, this paper redefines the concept of cross-cultural management, discusses the necessity of cross-cultural management, and divides the process of crosscultural management into three stages: cultural conflict latency, collision integration period and integration innovation period. Thirdly, this paper introduces Hofstede's cultural dimension theory and GLODE cultural dimension theory, as well as the evaluation results of Chinese and Korean culture under the two theories. Then, it makes a deep study on the characteristics of Chinese and Korean corporate culture from the dimensions of Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, Long-term/Short-term, and also puts forward the personal point of view. Finally, through case analysis, this paper conducts an in-depth study on the cross-cultural management of Beijing Hyundai. Based on the SWOT analysis of Beijing Hyundai, this paper further points out that the conflict of internal management is in due to the differences of corporate culture. By studying Beijing Hyundai's corporate culture construction strategy and cultural conflict resolution, this paper summarizes the five elements of the success of Beijing modern cross-cultural management, so as to provide useful ideas for other Sino Korean joint ventures to promote corporate culture integration and better cross-cultural management.


세계 각 국간 경제교류가 갈수록 긴밀해지면서 대외투자와 다국적 경영이 필연적으로 발전하는 추세로 기업의 해외투자로 인한 합자기업(合資企業)은 경제 글로벌화의 산물이 다. 한중 양국은 지난 1992년 국교수립이후 경제, 무역, 문화교류 등 다양한 분야에서 모두 밀접하게 교류를 진행하고 있지만, 양국간에는 아직도 여전히 무시할 수 없는 문화적 차이를 가지고 있으며, 특히 한중 양국의 합자기업은 다국적 경영관리라는 측면에서 여전 히 잠재적 위험요소와 기업발전의 장애요인으로 남아 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 우선 문헌 연구를 통해 문화적 차이와 이문화 관리에 관한 이론 연구를 정리했고, 이 분야에서 이미 얻은 학술 적 성과를 바탕으로 글로벌 문화 관리의 개념을 정립해 보았고, 특히 코워크의 글로벌 문화 관리의 필요성을 통해 문화관리 과정을 문화적 충돌 잠복기, 충돌 통합기, 융합기의 3단계로 구분해 보았다. 본 연구에서는 Hofstede 문화차원 이론과 GLODE 문화차원 이론을 통해 두 이론의 기초하에 평가 결과, 권력간격에 대한 인지, 불확실성에 대한 회피정도, 개인주의, 남성주의대 여성주의, 장기적 취향 /단기 취향 5가지 차원을 구체적으로 분석해 보았다. 이어서 본 연구에서 사례분석을 통해 대표적인 한중 합자기업인 베이징 현대자동차의 이문화 관리에 대해 살펴 보았다. 베이징 현대에 대한 SWOT분석을 통해 기업 문화적 차이에 대한 인지정도를 분석해 보았고 이를 바탕으 로 기업 내부 관리에서 발생하는 문화적 충돌에 대한 해결 방안을 연구해 보았다. 특히 한중 합자기업에 있어서 이문화 관리에 대해 몇 가지 건의를 통해 향 후 한중 합자기업 경영효율 제고를 위한 정책과 방향도 제시해 보았다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical research
1.1 Previous research
1.2 Cross-cultural management overview
Ⅲ. Study on the cultural characteristics and differences between China and South Korea
3.1 The Cultural Characteristics of China and South Korea under the Cultural Dimension of Hofstede
3.2 Chinese and Korean cultural characteristics under the cultural dimension of globe
3.3 Comparison of cultural differences between China and South Korea
Ⅳ. Beijing modern status and cross-cultural management issues
4.1 Beijing Modern Overview
4.2 The SWOT analysis of Beijing Hyundai
4.3 The corporate culture conflict of Beijing Hyundai
4.4 Beijing Hyundai's Intercultural Management Program and Its Enlightenment to Sino-Korea Joint Ventures
V. Conclusion


  • Wang Yixuan 왕예선. Ph.D. Course, Dept. of Business Administration, Woosuk University
  • Song Jaehoon 송재훈. Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Woosuk University


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