


Water Quality Improvement in Nakdong River Subwatershed by Priority Selection


적용우선순위 선정을 통한 낙동강 소유역별 수질개선 대책

Kang Yoonmin, Kim Namchan, Lee Jaehoon, Hwang Joungbae, Im Changin, Um Minseop

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study’s purpose is to establish the water quality improvement measures of the Nakdong River water system by determining pollutant sources and causes of the Nakdong river basin subwatershed (standard watershed). For this purpose, the water quality data of the inflow river according to the characteristics of the watershed are acquired for the eight dams of the Nakdong river system (Sangju, Nakdan, Gumi, Chilgok, Kangjeong-Goryung, Dalsung, Hapcheon-Changryung, Changryung-Haman) and obtained all the data necessary to identify the pollution sources. After identifying the current status and causes of pollution sources in the Nakdong River basin subwatershed (standard watershed), we selected priority to reduce pollutant load on subwatershed and improve water quality.


본 연구의 목적은 낙동강 수계 소유역(표준유역)별 오염원 발생 현황 및 원인을 파악한 후 소유역 오염부하량 삭감 및 수질개선 우선순위를 선정하여 낙동강수계의 수질개선대책을 수립하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 낙동강수계 8개 보(상주·낙단 ·칠곡·구미·강정고령·달성·합천창녕·창녕함안)에 대하여 유역별 특성에 따른 유입하천의 수리·수질 자료를 확보하고, 유역 내 점·비점오염원 파악에 필요한 제반 자료를 취득하여, 낙동강 수계 소유역(표준유역)별 오염원 발생 현황 및 원인을 파 악한 후 소유역 오염부하량 삭감 및 수질개선 우선순위를 선정하였다.


I. 서론
II. 연구범위와 방법
1. 유역 오염원 분석을 통한 소유역별 우선순위 선정
2. 수질모형 구축
III. 연구결과
1. 우선순위 선정 유역별 추가대책 수립
2. 정책대책 분석
IV. 결론


  • Kang Yoonmin 강윤민. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University
  • Kim Namchan 김남찬. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University
  • Lee Jaehoon 이재훈. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University
  • Hwang Joungbae 황정배. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University
  • Im Changin 임창인. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University
  • Um Minseop 엄민섭. Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School, Kwangwoon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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