

<경영컨설팅 사례ㆍ방법론>

Corporate Social Responsibility of Apparel Industry : A Case Study of OVS


패션기업의사회적 책임사례연구 : OVS 사례를 중심으로

Hong, Eui, Gadolini, Sabrina

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sustainable fashion is the new alternative to the fast fashion, The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sustainable operations at an Italian fast fashion brand, OVS and also prove how the fashion industry is related to its CSR. OVS has been improving its value successfully by conducting profound CSR activities in their securing eco-materials, monitoring sustainable manufacturing, reducing carbon emission in distribution, and building social development program. These sustainable operations were also attested empirically. The linear regression analyses were conducted to examinate the relationships between the number of suppliers in each country and their corresponding sustainable society index (SSI) as well as the number of OVS’ store in each country and their SSI. The results showed that human well-being ranking among three sectors of SSI is the only index directly related to the number of suppliers and the number of stores worldwide. To sum up the results, OVS has more stores in the countries which records a higher level of human well-being, while they have less suppliers in the countries which were ranked in higher places in terms of their human wellbeing.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
1. Concepts for CSR
2. CSR in apparel industry
3. Sustainable supply chain management in apparel in dustry
III. Sustainable Operations at OVS
1. CSR practices at OVS
2. Environment-friendly materials
3. Green manufacturing
4. Green distribution
IV. Implications of Sustainable Operations of OVS
1. Implications in the view of supplier countries
2. Implications in the view of the number of global stores
V. Conclusion


  • Hong, Eui 홍의. Professor, Dept. of InternationaI Trade, Kwangwoon University
  • Gadolini, Sabrina Candidate for Master degree, Dept. of InternationaI Trade, Graduate School of Kwangwoon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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