

Integration of Verb Subcategorization Information in L2 English Sentence Processing by Korean Learners : An Eye-Tracking Study


Kim, Eunah

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study tested whether adult Korean learners of English are able to immediately integrate verb-specific structural information (i.e. subcategorization restrictions imposed by individual verbs) as they read sentences in English. Seventeen native speakers of English and 22 Korean learners of English participated in an eye-tracking experiment, in which they read English sentences that contained a wh-dependency between the head NP and the verb of a relative clause. The relative clause verbs consisted of three types that varied in terms of subcategorization properties: transitive verbs that take an NP complement more often than a PP complement, transitive verbs that take a PP complement more often than an NP complement, and unaccusative verbs that are strictly intransitive. The results suggest that whereas native speakers use verb subcategorization information in making initial parsing decisions regarding wh-dependency formation, Korean learners are only able to integrate the information in later stages of sentence processing. Possible accounts of this discrepancy in the time course of verb information integration are discussed.


1. Introduction
2. Previous Research
2.1. Use of verb information in L1 sentence processing
2.2. Use of verb information in L2 sentence processing
3. The Present Study
3.1. Participants
3.2. Materials
3.3. Procedure
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Kim, Eunah 김은아. Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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