

가족자원봉사 관리체계의 효과성 연구


The evaluation of effectiveness in the family volunteer management system

강기정, 정천석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research paper represents family volunteer management system for the purpose of activating family volunteer activities. This family volunteer management system is based on the family volunteer activity cases by healthy family support center in Cheon-An City. The following data is the evaluation of effectiveness in the family volunteer management system. 9 families (32 people) among family volunteers who are participated in activities worked for twelve to eighteen hours per a month; one to six times per a month; at the more than two different social welfare facilities. They volunteered in the areas of cultural experience programs for the immigrant's families, baby cares, help for the handicaps and hospice. Family volunteers showed high satisfaction levels; average 4.37 out of 5; in the Family volunteer's management system. They checked in the area of volunteer's training, activity period, activity places, teamwork, healthy family support center, and supervisor of volunteer center.


  • 강기정 Kang, Ki-Jung. 백석대학교 기독교복지학 전공 조교수
  • 정천석 Chung, Chun-Seok. 한경대학교 아동가족복지학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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