

노인재무교육 프로그램의 개발과 실시


A study on a Financial Education Program for the Elderly


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to develop and test the effectiveness of a financial education program that make the elderly recognize financial problems and find available strategy to improve their financial situation. Based on the literature review and economic structure of the elderly, a financial education program was developed with three parts: 'My elderly lift'; 'Doubling my income'; and 'Safe investment strategy.' 42 elderly people in Senior academy participate in three-session program and 39 people completed pre and post-test and satisfaction survey. In order to examine the effectiveness of the program paired t-test was used. According to evaluation results, the program was found to have a positive effect on enhancing knowledge in elderly lift and financial management, but not on changing attitude. Most of participants show high level of satisfaction with the program.


  • 손주영 Sohn, Joo Young. 고려대학교 가정교육학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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