Development of Consumer Education Program As Social Education Program II: Needs Analysis on Program Contents and Program Management
The study was the second part of the research on development of consumer education program as social education program. The purpose of this study was to analyze needs fur program contents. Program contents had two parts: educational program contents and program managements. The data used contained 617 married women living in Seoul, Korea. Using SAS-PC program, Chi-square and Anova Analyses were executed. The results showed that married women had higher educational needs on housing purchase, tax avoidance, cancellation of contracts after purchase, consumer redress, etc. The differences in age, education, householder's occupation, and household income level resulted in the differences in educational needs for some specific educational items. They were likely to be educated at the highly accessible place such as women's center, community center, University extension service center, and consumer organization, etc. Also they preferred to be educated once a week fur a short time period like one to three months, and to have the lectures with discussion in the class. Some implications were mentioned for developing consumer education program as social education.