

[일반연구발표] 7분과 : 東北亜海域(2)

동아시아 해양영토 문제와 해결방안 - 독도(Dokdo)를 중심으로 -


East Asia Maritime Territory Problems and Solution - Focusing on Dokdo -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The official position of the Japanese government on Dokdo, Korea's indigenous territory, is that Takeshima (Dokdo) is Japan's inherent territory even in international law and international law. It is an illegal occupation and there is no legal justification for any action taken on Dokdo. On the other hand, the Korean government counters that 'the beautiful island of Korea, Dokdo is historically, geographically and international law, and is a unique territory of Korea. Summarizing the arguments for Korea's and Japan's claim to Dokdo, there are three different views. It is a matter of correct interpretation of historical ancient documents. It is a matter of legality of territorial incorporation by Japanese government in 1905. This is a matter of validity against the Peace Treaty and a series of measures. Because Japan's logic on the Dokdo issue is very sophisticated and detailed, Dokdo is likely to be interpreted in the international community as Japan's territory unless it systematically contradicts Japan's logic of ownership of Dokdo. Therefore, it is necessary to review historical rights and relevant facts and international legal debates on Dokdo between Korea and Japan. We should consider how to solve the Dokdo issue in reality. What means exist for resolving the Dokdo dispute between Korea and Japan? The Korean side considers the Dokdo dispute a political one and will not appeal the Japanese's ICJ complaint. How can we solve this problem by identifying Japanese lies and Korean truths? It is clear that this is our national task.


1. 독도영유권은 누구에 있는가
1) 역사적 고문헌 자료의 올바른 해석문제이다.
2) 1905년 일본정부에 의한 영토편입 조치의 합법성 문제이다.
3) 대일강화조약 및 일련의 조치에 대한 효력문제이다.
2. 독도문제의 해결수단은 있는가


  • 최홍배 Choi, Hong-Bae. 한국해양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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