

[일반연구발표] 7분과 : 東北亜海域(2)

한일 양국의 개항이후 사절단의 새로운 문물 반응 분석 - 『日東記游』와 『航米日録』를 중심으로 -


Analysis of New Cultural Responses of Missions After Opening of Korea and Japan –Focusing on 日東記遊and 航米日録-

한일 양국의 개항이후 사절단의 새로운 문물 반응 분석 - 『일동기유』와 『항미일록』를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Gi Su visited Japan's modernized visits and left a record of rejecting the necessity of modernization while showing a surprise about the modern culture that Japan shows off. This is because Joseon was forcibly opened by Japan and therefore was sent as a recipient and inspected Japanese modern civilization and failed to properly recognize his mission for modernization of Joseon. In addition, he did not correctly grasp the changes in the world situation due to the fact that Confucian ideology and the Chinese Dynasty's clothing system were more important than the modernization, Western education, and patriotic coercion in Japan. In many fields, especially for scientific and technical Western texts that have a direct bearing on wealthy illnesses and modernization, Kim, Gi Su expressed negative opinions and recorded more unprofessionally than Japan's 万延元年遣米使節. Due to the delegation of these results, Japan has laid the foundation for modernization and wealthy disease, but Joseon is regarded as a factor that does not succeed in modernization. We need to recognize that the difference in science and technology and economic power at the time of opening is manifested as the difference in the present reality. Therefore, we believe that now we need to analyze and improve our shortcomings and problems in order to move in the right direction.


1. 들어가기
2. 조선의 1차 사절단과 만연원년견미사절단의 비교
3. 조선사절단과 일본사절단의 새로운 근대문물에 대한 반응 분석
3.1 기계문명
3.2 제도와 문물
4. 결론


  • 공미희 Kong, Mi-Hee. 부경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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