This study aims to examine the usefulness of the division between focalized progressive and durative progressive suggested by Bertinetto et al.(2000) through contrasting Korean progressive sentences with those corresponding Chinese progressive sentences. In Korean '-go iss-' and '-neun jungi-' are usually used to express progressive reading, and In Chinese 'zai', 'zhengzai', 'zheng' and 'zhe' are used for that meaning. This article has initially began to seek the reason why more than one progressive maker are used for progressive sentences. In order to solve those curiosity presents writers depend on the approach of Bertinetto et al.(2000). In chapter 2, the concepts of focalized progressive and durative progressive are introduced and some Korean and Chinese progressive sentenced discussed in terms of the concepts. In chapter 3, 100 sentences of '-go iss-' and 100 sentences of '-neun jungi-' are extracted from a corpus, and then they are compared to those corresponding Chinese progressive sentences. Through the comparison, the present writers argue that '-go iss-' is more related to durative progressive and '-neun jungi-' to focalized progressive. Among Chinese progressive markers, 'zheng' is more related to focalized progressive than 'zai' and 'zhe'; 'zhengzai' is quite similar to 'zheng' because it shares the marker 'zheng'.
1. 서론
2. 초점진행과 지속진행의 구분
3. 한국어 진행상 표지와 그에 대응하는 중국어 상표지
4. 결론