

문법적 연어의 언어 유형적 특징과 연어 사전 기술 - 추측을 나타내는 문법적 연어를 중심으로 -


A Study on a new way of dictionary description of conjecture modal expressions expressed by grammatical collocations.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper lies to provide with a new way of dictionary description of conjecture modal expressions expressed by grammatical collocations in Korean. This is so, because that we believe there are many problems in the dictionary description of grammatical collocations in major Korean dictionaries. Collecting collocation research data was done based on first 906 lemmas of [Korean Grammar for foreign students2 –usages], and second, the textbooks of major Korean Institutes for teaching Korean. After then, we first compare the dictionary definitions of the conjecture modal expressions of the 7 major Korean dictionaries to show how they differ, and what could be problems to others. Second, we provided with a new way of dictionary description emphasizing on classification, conditions, segmentation of grammatical collocations. Taking this stance on the dictionary descriptions reflects on the fact that, as time goes by, forms of grammatical collocation are not so much important information as function and meaning in selecting lemma, knowing dictionary users needing more and more practical usages.


1. 서론
2. 선행 연구
3. 국어 문법적 연어의 다국어 대응 유형
4. 기존 사전 검토
5. 실제 문법적 연어 사전 기술
6. 결론


  • 한정한 Han, Jeonghan. 단국대 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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