

시설청소년의 가족 인식 및 건강가정 형성을 위한 집단 프로그램 요구- 시설 청소년과 퇴소자 대상으로


The Perception of family and the demand for a group- based healthy family support program for adolescents in a residental care - A comparison between current and former residents

배은숙, 강기정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine the family awareness and the demand for a group-based healthy family support program for current and former residents of a residential care institution, and to provide information to be utilized in the development of a comprehensive group-based family support program. To support this study, 1:1 interviews were conducted. The interviews focused on the adolescents' perception of their own families, perception of family in general, demand for a group-based healthy family support program, etc. The results of the interviews are as follows. First, as for the perception of their own families, the 'happiest' and 'saddest' experiences they reported were related to their own families for both the current and former resident adolescents of the institution. Second, as for the perception of family in general, both groups defined a healthy family as a family with members who 'help one another in times of difficulties and live happily in harmony together'. Third, regarding the educational contents that are essential to the establishment of a healthy family, a majority of the current residents answered cooking, yet a majority of former residents mentioned more practical education-such as the role of parents, child education, asset management, human relationships, and self worth enhancement, etc.


  • 배은숙 Bae, Eun Sook. 백석대학교 기독교복지학 전공 강사
  • 강기정 Kang, Ki-Jung. 백석대학교 기독교복지학 전공 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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