

Original Article

The Effects of Virtual Upper Extremity Training Using the RAPAEL Smart Glove on Physical and Cognitive Function in Stroke Survivors - A Single Group Study -




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a virtual upper extremity training program using the RAPAEL Smart Glove on upper extremity function in stroke survivors with chronic hemiparesis and to focus the training program development using the Smart Glove as a feasibility study. Methods: This study was conducted using a single group and pre-post test research design in the outpatient departments of local rehabilitation units. Ten chronic hemiparetic stroke survivors with a diagnosis of first stroke received therapeutic rehabilitation at the rehabilitation units. All the participants used a virtual reality program with the RAPAEL Smart Glove for 30 minutes per session 3 days a week over 8 weeks. They also received conventional occupational therapy with functional electrical stimulation for 40 minutes per session 3 days a week for 8 weeks as an additional therapy. To analyze the effects of this therapeutic intervention, four clinical measures, including the box-block test (BBT), the Wolf motor function test (WMFT), the trail-making score, the Jebsen Taylor hand function test (JTHFT), and grip strength, were used. Results: Upon completion of the intervention in week 8, all the participants demonstrated significant WMFT, JTT, BBT, grip strength, and trail-making score gains compared to the respective baselines at week 0. Conclusion: This study suggests that virtual upper extremity training using the RAPAEL Smart Glove has a reasonable and beneficial effects on upper extremity function in chronic hemiparetic stroke survivors.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Methods
1. Participants
2. Procedures and therapeutic equipment
3. Intervention
4. Outcome measures
5. Statistics analysis
Ⅲ. Results
1. Participants
2. Physical and cognitive function after training compared with before training
Ⅳ. Discussion
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Chiang-Soon Song Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Health Science, Chosun University
  • Jae-Heon Lim Department of Physical Therapy, Wonkwang Health Science University
  • Byeong-Hyeon Jeon Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Honam University
  • Hye-Sun Lee Department of Occupational Therapy, Kwangju Women’s University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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