

Are Pre-service English Teachers’ Perceptions Reliable? : A Credibility Gap between the Objective and Subjective Sides of Perception


Hyunjeong Nam

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Previous research has enlightened pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of teaching and evaluation. This study raised the question of a possible credibility gap between the pre-service teachers’ subjective perceptions and their third-person objective judgements. To this end, thirty-six English majors in a university English Teaching Methodology course completed a two-page questionnaire with a section on feedback types and another on teaching evaluation criteria. The questionnaire was administered twice: first to determine teachers’ subjective perceptions, and later to measure their third-person objective judgements. The results suggest statistically significant gaps between the two different perspectives. The gaps were evident in ‘self-evaluation through video observation’ in the section on feedback types, and ‘teacher’s English skills’ and ‘teacher’s preparedness’ in the section on teaching evaluation criteria, all of which the pre-service teachers may consider demanding or challenging. The results reveal that their perception may have been expressed for convenience sake and thus were different from their judgements from a third-person perspective. Therefore, the study makes suggestions to educators in pre-service teacher training programs, both for their research and for adaptation to their education practice.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
2.1. Microteaching
2.2. Evaluation of Microteaching
2.3. Providing Feedback on Microteaching
III. Method
3.1. Participants
3.2. Materials and Procedure
3.3. Data Collection and Analysis
IV. Results and Discussion
4.1. The Gap between Objective and Subjective Sides of Perception regarding Feedback Types
4.2. The Gap between Objective and Subjective Sides of Perception regarding Teaching Evaluation Criteria
V. Conclusion and Pedagogical Implications
Works Cited


  • Hyunjeong Nam Associate Professor, Dong-A University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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