


EDC 리빙랩: 미래 도시의 극한기상 재난 관리를 위한 Mesh Network 연구


Living Lab. in EDC: A Scientific Research Mesh Network for Future Disaster Management for Extreme Weather in the City

오재호, 허모랑, 오지원, 김홍희, 심지한, 임재철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Living Lab. project aims to create an urban-scale instrument mesh network for research and development at the EDC smart city in Korea. The concept is to exploit Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to build an instrument analogous to an array telescope, where many identical detectors spread over an area work as a unit, such as “Chicago AoT”, then, is an IoT-enabled “telescope” pointed extreme weather events at the city. The project will install 100 weather monitoring nodes to measure essential variables, such as winds, temperature, precipitation, air pressure, humidity, solar radiation as well as UV-radiation, at the echo-delta city (EDC) by late 2022. The technical improvements have been expected to operate a Living Lab. based on the evaluation of early installation at the testbed in Jeju. This paper describes the initial stages of the project, focusing on lessons learned from the operation of the testbed in areas ranging from resilient technical design to public engagement.


  • 오재호 Oh, Jai-Ho. 정회원ㆍ(유)나노웨더 대표이사
  • 허모랑 Huh, Moran. (유)나노웨더 부설연구소
  • 오지원 Oh, Ji-Won. (유)나노웨더 부설연구소
  • 김홍희 Kim, Hong-Hee. (유)나노웨더 부설연구소
  • 심지한 Shim, Ji-Han. 정회원ㆍ부경대학교 지구환경시스템과학부 박사과정
  • 임재철 Lim, Jae-Chul. ㈜윈드위시


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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