

PLS-SEM을 활용한 감각유산 인식, 관광지 이미지, 만족도, 재방문 의도의 영향 관계에 관한 동·서양 관광객의 비교분석 : 베트남 관광지를 중심으로


Comparative Analysis of the East and West Tourists on the Relationship among Perception of Sensory Heritage, Tourism Destination Image, Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit by Using PLS-SEM : Focusing on the Tourism Destination in Vietnam


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the difference between east and west tourists regarding the influence of sensory heritage perception on tourism destination image, tourism satisfaction, and intention to revisit Vietnam as a tourism destination that recently emerged as Asia's new tourism destination. To accomplish the purposes, data were collected by conducting on-site survey for tourists who visited Da Nang and Hoi An areas, which are the representative tourist destinations of Vietnam from October 31 to November 3, 2018. To analyze the data many statistical tests were used such as descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability test, PLS-SEM, and Multi-Group Analysis(MGA). This study reveled that the relationship between variables (i.e. the perception of sensor heritage and tourism image and satisfaction, tourism image and satisfaction) have significantly related each other. However, there was no significant relationship between variables (i.e. the sensory of heritage and revisit intention(RI), tourism image and RI, tourism satisfaction and RI). The results also showed that the difference in the relation among the study variables between east and west tourists partially. Thus, these findings suggested that the differentiated products and services should be developed by reinforcing with tourists’ perception of the sensory heritage. The experts and professionals of tourism development should essentially be trained to understand tourists' specific character based on nationality or culture areas to secure tourism competitiveness.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 감각유산 인식
2. 관광지 이미지, 만족도 그리고 재방문 의도
3. 관광객 국적
Ⅲ. 연구방법
1. 연구모형
2. 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정
3. 자료수집 및 분석방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과
1. 표본의 인구통계학적 특성
2. 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도 분석
3. 모형 적합성 평가
4. 가설검증
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점


  • 권해윤 Haeyoon Kwon. 상지대학교 경상대학 관광학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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