

앨리스 먼로의 「가출」에 나타난 떠남과 귀환의 대화


Conversations Between Runaway and Return in Alice Munro’s “Runaway”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper explores Alice Munro’s short story “Runaway” based on Bakhtin’s dialogism theory. The protagonist, Carla, leaves for pursuit and returns as soon as the journey begins. She goes to the outside world for pursuit, but ironically it is what she can get inside. The authentic life she pursues is a life for internal dialogism in which dialogic interaction with others takes place. As a core discourse of this story, this paper explores Munroe’s discourse on interactions and interrelations that form internal dialogism. To do this, this paper analyzes the types of dialogue among the three main characters, identifies the deficits that are detrimental to their internal dialogue. and presents the need for the change of their talking habits. Carla has a defect that clings exclusively to other languages and is unable to speak her own language. Carla’s husband, Clark uses only a monologue that does not allow others, so he threatens and endangers others. A neighbor of this couple, Sylvia makes the mistake of projecting her own language to others. Carla’s return from runaway provides an opportunity to correct the shortcomings of three main characters. However, Morrison reveals that there is always contradiction in human beings’ dialogue. Their dialogue will constantly be ironic, repeating building and destroying contradictions.


I. 들어가며
II. 독백이 구축하는 허위의 세계
III. 허위의 스토리 구축: 주체성 결여 혹은 타자의 배려
IV. 대화에서 제 삼자의 역할
V. 나오며
Works Cited


  • 남승숙 Nam, Sungsook. 한남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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