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건강보험청구데이터를 이용하여 사용상의 주의사항에 자살이 기재된 약물의 처방 양상 분석


Analysis of the Prescription Patterns of Medications that List Suicide in Use Cautions using the HIRA Claims Data

오수인, 박혜경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: Suicide has recently become an important social problem. Thus, we analyzed prescription drugs that cause suicidal ideation. Methods: Of 156 drugs on the the Minister of Food and Drug Safty (MFDS) EZ-Drug site that had “suicide” listed as a side effect, 78 had “suicide” listed as a warning or contraindication; those 78 drugs were analyzed using data from the 2016 Health Insurance and Review and Assessment Services National Patient Sample (HIRA-NPS). Results: 51 “suicide risk” drugs was identified. Of all patients, 5.2% had received such drugs. The prescription rate was 0.8% of all prescriptions, accounting for 1.6% of all prescription days. From logistic regression analysis, the prescription rate for the drugs was approximately 1.1 times higher for women than for men. With regard to age, the prescription rate for patients 66 years and older was 15.5 times higher than those for patients 25-years and lower. With regard to medical departments, the prescription rates in psychiatry and dermatology departments were 8.1 times higher and 0.6 times lower than those in internal medicine departments, respectively. With regard to region, the prescription rates in Daegu and Jeju were 1.3 times higher and 0.79 times lower than those in Seoul, respectively. Conclusion: Drug-induced suicidal behavior is possible, and therefore efforts are needed to prevent it.


연구 방법
연구의 윤리적 측면
연구 결과
자살위험약물 사용현황
자살위험약물 처방에 영향을 미치는 요인분석
고찰 및 결론


  • 오수인 Suin Oh. 성균관대학교 약학대학
  • 박혜경 Hyekyung Park. 성균관대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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