"Symbolization" in people's hearts has occupied a very important position, human and symbols like species in the food chain, inseparable, people's lives in all aspects of the symbol has a direct or indirect relationship, symbols can be spread, exchange, at the same time is a symbol, is a symbol of the identification of works of art, This logo is also imprinted on the artist and becomes a synounford of the artist himself. The rapid development of diversified society has made us enter the era of information image flood, a large number of image information by people violently "suck", has become a part of people's lives can not be lacking. As China's social environment changes, people's understanding of works of art is also increasing, contemporary art works are also around people's interest to create, trying to adapt to people's "love." Through the unique characteristics of symbols, we grasp people's psychology, make the symbolic information of image language more metaphorical, and can reflect the artist's thinking and exploration of society. At the same time, diversified society makes the works of art more integrated into the environment of consumer society, cultural works of art are consumed like fast food. In the development of the new century, Chinese contemporary art has also received the world's attention and love, especially with a certain symbol of the works have attracted people's attention. In China's contemporary art, symbolic works have more "advantages", whether it is the artist's own creation of symbols, or the symbol of the symbol in the picture, are in contemporary art, "jubilant", is respected by people. At the same time, socialization also affects the development of contemporary art invisibly, and the invisible "means" behind the development of art are hidden. Contemporary art works also need this way to promote the development of symbolic works, symbolic works become a unique phenomenon in contemporary art.
Ⅰ. 序论
Ⅱ. 符号概念及发展溯源
1. 概念及具体表现
2. 艺术中的符号化体现
Ⅳ. 中国当代艺术的符号作用机制
1. 方力钧与他的光头形象
2. 岳敏君与他的“嬉笑的人
Ⅴ. 结论