

Session 9 : 기타정보통신기술Ⅲ, ICT 융합기술Ⅳ

EU GDPR의 현황 분석과 국내기업의 대응 방안


Analysis of the Situation of EU GDPR and its Countermeasures of Domestic Companies

공혜영, 양재수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Accordeing to the enforcement of the EU GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, It is required to check the consent of the personal information items being kept, the acquisition procedure, the guarantee of the rights of information entities, and the measures to be taken in case of leakage. Furthermore, it is important to improve internal procedures to meet GDPR requirements. This study used DBSAT (Database Security Assessment Tool) to collect configuration information of database type of B shopping mall and check the current security status at A 's B shopping mall based on Oracle DATABASE. Based on this, we have created a report that can identify the GDPR compliance process by extracting identified risks and providing the recommendations. In the present study, we prepared confrontation and countermeasures to comply with the GDPR by changing the state that can be processed immediately.


I. 서론
II. EU GDPR 의 현황과 분석
1. GDPR과 개인정보보호
2. DBSAT 보안위험 평가
3. 결과 분석 및 대응방안
IV. 결론
감사의 글


  • 공혜영 Hye-Young Hong. 일동제약 전산실
  • 양재수 Jae-Soo Yang. 단국대 교수

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