

Session 1 : ICT 융합기술Ⅰ, 기타정보통신기술Ⅰ, 좌장 : 조춘식(한국항공대학교)

자연언어처리에서 훈련데이터 확장을 위한 연구 동향


Recent Trend on Expansion of Dataset in Natural Language Processing

지인영, 김희동

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Deeplearning is applied to the field of natural language processing, and the learning model by encoder-decoder model is used. Neural network-based natural language processing techniques mostly use sequence-to-sequence models and train the model with supervised learning. The success of such end-to-end deep neural network depends on securing a large amount of learning data to train the model. It takes a lot of time and money to build a large I / O dataset. Recent studies are looking into ways to secure performance by expanding scarce datasets. In this paper, we describe the data set expansion methods, such as the denoising training method, transfer learning, and pre-learning BERT. We discuss the recent application of data set expansion to. the machine translation system


I. 서론
II. 데이터 셋 확장 방법
2.1 디노이징 비지도학습으로 데이터셋의 확장
2.2 전이 학습 (Transfer Learning)
2.3 사전 학습
III. 기계번역에서의 데이터셋 확장사례
3.1 도메인 분리와 도메인 적응
3.2 다언어 기계번역 시스템
3.3 비지도학습에 의한 훈련방법
IV. 결론


  • 지인영 In-Young Jhee. 한국체육대학교 교직교양학부
  • 김희동 Hee-Dong Kim. 한국외국어대학교 정보통신공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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