Japan's modern fashion, which already became distinguished in the world fashion market, creates originality by identifying its own color as well as shape and details from its tradition. The purpose of this study was to draw the results of examining the perceived meanings of color revealed in the culture, arts and clothing color of Heian period in Japan and searching them in contemporary Japanese fashion. The scope of study was the perceived meaning of color in Heian period and Japanese contemporary fashion. In the methodologies, the literature and the empirical study focused on Heian's culture, including art history, ethnology, and the history of clothing and the contemporary fashion collection. Japan's original middle colors and intermediate colors began to be created in Heian period. The color aesthetic characteristics of Heian period appeared the beauty of compound color, layered color, overlapped color in Japanese contemporary fashion.
II. 헤이안시대의 색채관에 내재된 정신사상과 미의식
1. 헤이안시대의 정신사상과 색채관
2. 헤이안시대의 미의식과 색채관
III. 헤이안시대의 색채관과 복색
1. 색채관
2. 복색
3. 헤이안 문화예술ㆍ복색에 나타난 색의 특징
IV. 일본 현대 패션에 나타난 헤이안시대의 색미학적 특성
1. 간색미
2. 습색미
3. 중색미
V. 결론