

초등학교 실과교과서의 전향적 개발 방안


The Conversive Strategy for Future Practical Arts Textbook


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was initiated from the probing question of "How should we set forth the conversive strategy for future practical arts textbooks". That how to develop our practical arts textbooks is an essential question in relation with the success and failure of the practical arts education. The purpose of this study were to analyze the limitation of current modes of textbooks are identified, and to offer the alternative ways of next practical arts textbooks in future, and to presents a tentative plan of developing a unit of practical arts for future textbooks.
The characteristics of conversive strategy version of textbook construction could be summarized as follows: the textbooks are supposed to be the materials to think, explore, question with interest and curiosity, rather than the authoritative truth to master and internalize; the textbook presents useful scaffoldings to enable students to get an authentic sense of learning. the author presents not only the most recent voice, but also the history of ideals, and the intellectual traditions;
It is more important to eradicate the teacher's adherence to any textbook itself than to publish the most qulified textbooks. Therefore, it becomes significant that the textbook system needs to be reformed from the closed system into the open system.


I. 서론
 II. 실과교과서의 체제에 대한 전향적인 구상
  1. 초등학교 교과서의 개발 절차와 원리
  2. 실과 현행 단원과 교육인적자원부 고시안(2007. 2. 28) 단원 비교
  3. 교육인적자원부에서 고시한 실과 단원의 목표
  4. 고시된 실과교육과정에 근거한 단원의 설계
 III. 전향적인 실과교과서의 예시
  1. 이론을 바탕으로 주로 실천하는 단원
  2. 이론을 바탕으로 주로 실습을 행하는 단원
  3. 정보기기 이용하여 실습을 주로 행하는 단원
 IV. 요약 및 제언


  • 김형균 Kim, Hyung-Gyun. 공주교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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