

Design and Implementation of Damaged Video File Recovery Tool using Container Format Structure




Video files of video devices such as black box and CCTV may be damaged due to repetitive file read / write and physical environment factors. Even though there are available parts of video information, it may happen that playback can’t be performed due to damage of some information. To playback the remaining video information normally, it is necessary to recover damaged areas of the files. For this, it is necessary to accurately check the damage range of the files. In this paper, we propose the design and implementation of a tool which detects damaged areas of a video file and recovers the usable area of the file to playback. The proposed tool can analyze and recover without additional information by analyzing common information of video container format and can check detailed damaged ranges with chunks. It is possible to perform recovery just only with the target file and reference file without any other information such as codec specification.


1. Introduction
2. Backgrounds
2.1 Key box of MP4 container format
2.2 Damaged type of MP4 files
3. Design and Implementation of Recovery Tool
3.1 Key information for video recovery
3.2 System architecture of recovery tool
4. Implementation and discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Yun-Seok Choi Dept. of Computer Science, Dongduk Women’s University, Korea
  • Wan Yeon Lee Dept. of Computer Science, Dongduk Women’s University, Korea


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