

Security Exposure of RTP packet in VoIP




VoIP technology is a technology for exchanging voice or video data through IP network. Various protocols are used for this technique, in particular, RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol)[1] protocol is used to exchange voice data. In recent years, with the development of communication technology, there has been an increasing tendency of services such as “Kakao Voice Talk” to exchange voice and video data through IP network[2]. Most of these services provide a service with security guarantee by a user authentication process and an encryption process. However, RTP protocol does not require encryption when transmitting data. Therefore, there is an exposition risk in the voice data using RTP protocol. We will present the risk of the situation where packets are sniffed in VoIP(Voice over IP)[3] communication using RTP protocol. To this end, we configured a VoIP telephone network, applied our own sniffing tool, and analyzed the sniffed packets to show the risk that users' data could be exposed unprotected.


1. Introduction
2. VoIP Network Configuration
3. RTP Packet Analyzation
4. Conclusion


  • Dong-Geon Lee Dept. of Computer Science, KwangWoon University, Korea
  • WoongChul Choi Dept. of Computer Science, KwangWoon University, Korea


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