

Session 1 : 학술논문 발표 세션1

민자도로 사업에서 MRG 및 RCP 조항의 수준결정


Determining Level of Minimum Revenue Guarantee and Revenue Cap Agreement in Privatized Road Project

주도현, 전재범

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



MRG(Minimum Revenue Guarantee) and RCP(Revenue Cap) agreements in privatized road project have been applied for inducing financial investors to funding process by protecting from downward risk and for comforting government from revenue exploitation resulted from excessive returns during operation. However, levels of these two agreements are inclined to tend to symmetrically choosen during planning phase with axis of expected cash flows, which is gained based on traditional capital budgeting theory, even if there should be reasonable evidence as to how to decide proper levels of those agreements with fair financial principle between private and public entities. Furthermore, as it is possible that conflict of interest from increasing market uncertainty happens between project participants, the levels of MRG and RCP agreements should be fairly considered. To do so, this research is to suggest theoretical frame to evaluate the quantitative values and to determine levels of MRG and RCP agreements in privatized road project with option pricing and related financial economic theories, and thereby, to show some implications.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구
Ⅲ. 이론적 고찰
1. 민자도로 사업의 현금유출입
2. 민자도로 사업의 대출상환과 세금
3. 민자도로 사업의 자본비용
4. 민자도로 사업가치의 동적거동
5. MRG 조항의 모델링 및 가치산정
6. RCP 조항의 모델링 및 가치산정
Ⅳ. 사례분석
1. 사례분석의 대상과 기초자료
2. 민자도로 사업에서 MRG와 RCP 조항의 가치
3. 민감도 분석
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 주도현 Ju, Do-Hyun. 강원대학교 부동산학과 석사과정
  • 전재범 Jun, Jae-Bum. 강원대학교 부동산학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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