

한ㆍ일 대학생의 문화간 의사소통능력, 영어 학습동기 및 영어 매체사용 비교 연구


A Comparative Study of Intercultural Communicative Competence, English Learning Motivation, and the Use of English Media between Korean and Japanese University Students

박은정, 박매란

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to compare Korean university students with Japanese counterparts in terms of their intercultural communicative competence, their English learning motivation, and their use of English media. For the study, 89 Korean and 70 Japanese college students participated in a survey specifically to find out similarities and differences regarding the above factors, which have been shown to be related to each other in their overall intercultural communication. Besides, the study sought to explore whether variables such as the participants’ majors, English proficiency, and experiences living in different countries would have any effects on the four factors measured in the questionnaire. Based on the statistical analyses, Korean college students showed a higher intercultural communicative competence, and learning motivation than those of their Japanese counterparts. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications are discussed.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
2.1. 한국과 일본의 영어 교육
2.2. 문화간 의사소통 관련 개념의 정의와 특징
III. 연구 방법
3.1. 연구 대상과 자료 수집 및 분석
3.2. 연구 도구와 자료 수집 및 분석
IV. 결과 및 논의
4.1. 한국과 일본 대학생의 문화간 의사소통능력, 영어 학습동기, 영어 매체사용 전체 비교
4.2 한국과 일본 대학생의 배경적 특성에 따른 문화간 의사소통 능력, 영어 학습동기, 영어 매체사용의 차이
V. 결론 및 제언
1. 문화간 의사소통능력 설문지
2. 영어 학습동기 설문지
3. 영어 매체사용 설문지


  • 박은정 Eunjung Park. 부경대학교 박사졸업
  • 박매란 Mae-Ran Park. 부경대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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