

An Analysis of Speaking Activities in High School English Textbooks


Young-Ju Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explored the designs of speaking activities in high school English textbooks given the important role of textbook materials in developing speaking skills. The criteria for the examination of speaking activities were based on the communicative continuum proposed by Littlewood(2013), which divides speaking activities into five types: non-communicative learning, pre-communicative language practice, communicative language practice, structured communication and authentic communication because it provided a clear guide to how different speaking activities can be used to achieve communicative goals. The work of classifying speaking activities in two levels of the four high school English textbooks chosen for the analysis showed that they presented five types of speaking activities in a balanced and general way but there was a restricted range of formats for the designs of speaking activities. Some features emerged when the distribution of each type was looked at in different textbooks. Those features were discussed in terms of communicative potential along with some suggestions for designing speaking activities.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Communicative Language Teaching
2.2. Challenges of Implementing CLT in Korea
2.3. Alternative Approach to CLT
3. Procedures for the Analysis
3.1. Coding Scheme for the Analysis of Speaking Activities
3.2. Selection of High School English Textbooks
3.3. Guidelines for the Analysis
3.4. Research Questions
4. Data Analyses and Results
4.1. Research Question 1
4.2. Research Question 2
5. Discussion and Conclusions


  • Young-Ju Han Professor at Youngsan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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