

단어 임베딩으로 보는 한국어 젠더의 의미 변화 - 10년 전과 최근의 뉴스 기사를 활용하여 -


Seeing Semantic Changes in Korean Gender through Word Embedding - With Recent News Articles and Articles from the past 10 years.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to examine the meaning of gender of various issues in Korean society through word embedding which is a way of expressing distributional semantics, the meaning of language from a large volume of text data. Gender is a form of sociality and refers to the general characteristics that are specified and distinguished by the words male and female. As the technical expression of ‘sociality’ implies, the gender of women and men has changed and the meaning has been related to the characteristics and changes of human groups in society, and it is expressed linguistically. Many sociolinguistic or gender related language studies have investigated the linguistic characteristics of each gender with the utterance of mainly female and male speakers. This is a sociolinguistic variable that explains the difference in the way women and men express their language. On the other hand, the character and meaning of gender can be revealed according to what linguistic expressions are used, when describing woman or man. And the linguistic medium that most reveals various works of human society is newspaper data. Therefore, this article aims to show the change of linguistic aspects which describe and express the events of women and men in news corpus, rather than linguistic variables of women speakers and men speakers.


1. 들어가기
2. 젠더와 언어
2.1 문맥 속 젠더
2.2 범주로서의 여성, 범주와 식별
3. 단어 임베딩과 시각화
3.1 분포 의미와 단어 임베딩
3.2 스킵그램과 티-스니
4. 뉴스 말뭉치에 기반한 여성과 남성의 뜻 변화
4.1 데이터 준비와 실험 설정
4.2 언어 분석을 한 단어 임베딩으로 보는 젠더의 의미 변화
4.3 언어 분석 없는 단어 임베딩으로 보는 젠더의 의미 변화
5. 맺음말 및 향후 연구


  • 조은경 Jo, EunKyoung. 서강대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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