

목조건축문화재에 있어서 변위 및 손상 유형에 관한 연구


A Study on the Types of the Displacement and Damage of Wooden Architectural Cultural Assets


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to derive the types of displacement and damage that occur in wooden architecture cultural assets. Although the wooden architectural cultural assets are being repaired through continuous maintenance, secondary problems frequently occur. This is because the root cause of the problem has yet to be solved. The types of displacement and damage that occur in the wooden architecture cultural asset are classified into three parts: the foundation section, the gagu section, and the roof section. In turn, the three main factors that lead to displacement and damages are the structures’ load impact, the durability deterioration, and the imbalance. Load impact is a phenomenon in which the member is subjected to a load that causes deformation or cracks. Durability decline is a natural phenomenon that reduces the performance of lumber as a result of check shake, termite damage, and decay. The imbalance is a condition in which the lumber is twisted and the force balance is lost, due to either drying shrinkage or displacement of the gagu section.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
2. 목조건축문화재 영역별 변위 및 손상 현황
2.1 기단부
2.2 가구부
2.3 지붕부
3. 목조건축문화재의 영역별 변위 및 손상 유형
3.1 기단부
3.2 가구부
3.3 지붕부
4. 목조건축문화재의 영역별 변위 및 손상요인 유형
4.1 기단부
4.2 가구부
4.3 지붕부
4.4 변위 및 손상요인 유형분류 체계
5. 결론


  • 신병욱 Shin, Byeong-Uk. 중국 귀주대학교 post doc, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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