

농촌지역 혼합건설폐기물의 중・소규모 배출현장용 이동식 분리선별기 개발을 위한 기초연구


A Basic Study on the Mobile Separator and Sorter Development of Small and Medium-sized Discharge Site’s Mixed Construction Waste in Rural Area

김병윤, 박지선



This study aimed to develop a mobile separating and sorting device for discharge sites to separate and sort mixed construction waste generated in small and medium scale in small provincial cities into inorganic materials and combustible materials. The study results can be summarized as follows: 1) As a result of analyzing the existing domestic technology for the separating and sorting mixed construction waste, a device sorting the waste by fusing the vibration screen, disc screen, air blowing methods and the separating and sorting the combustible waste is applied in Korea. 2) In foreign countries, the air blowing, screen, gravity sorters are used for separating and sorting combustible waste in the same way as in Korea. Especially German T Company suggests a construction waste separating and sorting system using an optical sorter. 3) As for the test device for separating and sorting mixed construction waste to be buried in landfill, the processing capacity was set as 16 tons per day. 4) For separating and sorting inorganic materials by granularity, this study set a trommel with two types of diameter as a basic. To operate the mobile all-in-one system, the device is designed to locate a conveyor, a combustible waste conveying device, inside of the trommel. 5) The device is designed in a mobile mode under the concept of primary separating and sorting device, and it can be transported using a 2.5-ton truck minimum. The diameter and length of the trommel are designed to be within 1500mm and 3000mm, respectively. In a further study, an optimized separating and sorting technology is planned to be presented through an experimental study for processing efficiency analysis at the mixed construction waste site by manufacturing the pilot experiment facility reflecting the design elements in the result of this study.


1. 서론
2. 선행기술 분석
2.1 분리선별 설비
2.2 분리선별 공정
3. 분리선별 장치의 목표성능 설정
3.1 폐기물 처리장치 설계기준
3.2 폐기물 처리량 산정
3.3 분리선별 효율
4. 분리선별 장치 설계
4.1 설계 개요
4.2 호퍼 설계
4.3 이송 컨베이어 설계
4.4 트롬멜 설계
4.5 경사 컨베이어
5. 결론


  • 김병윤 Kim, Byung-Yun. 가톨릭관동대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 박지선 Park, Ji-Sun. 한국건설기술연구원 건축안전연구센터 수석연구원, 공학박사


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