

에니어그램 도형의 상징에서 발견된 동양 행동방식과 화살표이론의 순환성


A study on eastern behavior style and circularity discovered in symbol of Enneagram diagram


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to figure out validity of the theory on eastern behavior style based on elementary premises that Enneagram diagram is wholly balanced. In the course of study, I came to think that mystery of‘wholeness of mind’, which is dynamic of essence, prototype and deep psychology beyond personality of human beings is hidden in the ‘circle’ of the diagram. Hence, I tried to find validity of the theory of eastern behavior style and newly discovered that continuity of eastern behavior style and circularity of the arrow theory is already hidden in the diagram. This discovery was a luck which came to me in the course of study and teachers who didn’t approve not only validity of the theory of eastern behavior style but also the arrow theory have a task now to stop doubting and realize the meaning hidden in the symbol of the diagram and courageously take action for transformation and growth of each. Additionally, I’d like to share this symbol with visionary masters in the west who committed to the study and growth of Enneagram so that this discovery could be widely used for benefits of all. Lastly, I share the words of Don Richard Riso who said “I wish to acknowledge the Spirit that seems to be the guiding the unfolding of the Enneagram in the world today. Despite so much that is superficial in the field, there is an unmistakably genuine current that is sweeping us forward, supporting us, and urging us on.”


1. 연구 배경과 필요성
1. 동서양 관점의 행동방식 비교
2. 요약 및 시사점


  • 이안숙 Lee, Ahn-Sook. 명지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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