

Original Article

The effects of home-based stair and normal walking exercises on lower extremity functional ability, fall risk factors, and cardiovascular health risk factors in middle-aged older women


Suh-Jung Kang, Chang-Hyun Ahn

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.15 No.4 2019.08 pp.584-591
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to exam 12 weeks of stair and normal walking effects on lower extremity functional ability and cardiovascular health risk factors in middle-aged older women. Twenty-four subjects were assigned either to the stair walking group (SWG, 57.40±6.11 years, n=10) or the normal walking group (NWG, 57.28±16.83 years, n= 14). They performed exercises 3 times per week, 60 min per day for 12 weeks. Lower extremity functional ability (lower extremity muscular strength, walking speed, active and static balance ability, and agility) and cardiovascular health risk factors were compared by time and groups using a two-way repeated analysis of variance and mean val-ues were compared within group using paired t-test. As results, signifi-cant time differences were found in lower extremity muscular strength, walking speed and active balance; no time and group interactions were found. Also, significant time differences were found in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, fast-ing glucose. Significant time and group interactions were found in body fat. In addition, significant time differences within the groups were found in lower extremity muscular strength, walking speed, active bal-ance in SWG and NWG; systolic blood pressure in SWG; systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting glucose in NWG. These results indicated that home-based stair and normal walking exercises can be utilized to improve lower extremi-ty functional ability and cardiovascular health risk factors in mid-dle-aged and older women.


Exercise program
Measuring method
Data analysis
Lower extremity functional ability and fall risk factors
Cardiovascular risk factors


  • Suh-Jung Kang Department of Sport & Health Care, College of Art & Culture, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea
  • Chang-Hyun Ahn Department of Sport & Health Care, College of Art & Culture, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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