

Abstract Form

Applying both Retrospection and Introspection in Interpreting Training: A Blend Pedagogical Method (Experience of A BS Interpreting Training L2 Class)



Interpreting is, currently, touching cognitive sciences due to its complex cognitive linguistic nature. Mathematically, the psychomotor functions of the brain are difficult to be measured due to its innate cognitive ability. To use this ability for enhancing a new skill needs various types of methods, strategies, and techniques. The interpreting trainers and theorists applied various methods, strategies under the umbrella terms ‘retrospective and introspective’ for the enhancement of interpreting skills of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. For memory enhancement still various mnemonics and TAPs are applied such as done by Marwa Shamy & R.P. Ricoy (Retrospective Protocols: Tapping into the minds of interpreting Trainees: 2017), and B.E. Dimitrova & E.Tiselius (Retrospection in Interpreting and Translation: Explaining the Process 2014). But due to the infinity of human thinking abilities, the area still needs more research and empirical studies specifically when the learners and trainees belonging to various nationalities with diverse competencies and more seriously when both the SL and TL are the second languages. The current study is an explorative one to apply both retrospective and introspective methods and their TAPs on an interpreting training class of beginner level from the Arabic into English comprising multilingual nationalities to enrich the area with new insights and findings. The sample of the study is the students of BS Translation and Interpretation of 7th semester and MS Translation Studies of 2nd semester belonging to Pakistan, China, Thailand, Arab and Turkey. This unique experience carried out in interpreting from Arabic language to English. The sample of the study is a multilingual class of different linguistic competencies and language skills. Another unique feature of the study is that both the SL and TL are the second languages of the majority of students. It becomes challengeable to apply this interpreting training method on such multilingual interpreting trainees with diverse linguistic competencies. The trainees were directed to use urgent tactics in terms of coping strategies with unexpected situations according to Giles Effort Model of interpreting (D. Gile 2018). The methodology: The trainee students were advised with a set of strategies applying retrospective methods as out class activity and a set of instruction to apply introspective inside the class during the interpreting process. This blended methods enhanced the potential of both the smart trainee and the low performer trainees. Surely the enrich the area of interpreting training with goods insights and findings.


  • Shair Ali Khan Assistant Professor Department of Translation & Interpretation Faculty of Arabic International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan


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