

중국 공예 유물 명칭 중한 번역 양상 및 소통적 측면의 문제점 분석


Analysis of the Aspects and Problems of Korean Translation of Chinese Artifact Names




There are currently active cultural exchanges and frequent cooperative exhibitions between Korea and China. At this juncture, it is very important to properly translate the names of Chinese exhibits into Korean in response to the exhibition environment and demands of visitors in Korea. This study analyzed the aspects and problems of Korean translation of the names of Chinese artifacts that have been introduced as collections and special exhibits of the National Museum of Korea. According to the results of the analysis, it was observed from the aspect of consistency that even the same relics were inconsistently translated and that translation methods of similar-structured names were inconsistent. From the aspect of information, some elements of naming were left out, replaced, or literally translated, causing problems in conveying information. These problems need to be solved by ensuring consistency and public needs as official names and considering communication with exhibition visitors.


1. 서론
2. 공예 유물 명칭 번역
2.1. 공예 유물 명칭의 구성 요소
2.2 공예 유물 명칭의 번역
3. 공예 유물 명칭 중한 번역 상의 문제 사례 분석
3.1. 일관성 측면의 번역 문제
3.1.1 후부요소 표현 불일치
3.1.2 전부요소 표현 불일치
3.1.3 구성요소 배열 불일치
3.2. 정보성 측면의 번역 문제
3.2.1 생략에 따른 정보 충실성 약화
3.2.2 축자역에 따른 소통력 감소
3.2.3 어휘 대체로 인한 정보 변형
4. 결론


  • 강경이 Kang, Kyoung-Yi. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원


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