

美國 北長老會 淸州宣敎部 建築의 形成과 特性


A Study on the Formation and Character of Cheong Ju Presbyterian Missionary Architecture from 1900 to 1945

미국 북장로회 청주선교부 건축의 형성과 특성

도선봉, 한규영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, I investigate the formation process of the American presbyterian missionary architecture in Cheong Ju area from 1900 to 1945, which we may think 'the part of Korean modern architecture'. I have examined and analyzed the 18 buildings for the sake of the interpretation with the words of formation process and characteristics . And I can put my idea in order as follows. Firstly, the formation process is 1) buy and modify a Korean style (thatch or tile roofed) building for their need and use it as a gate quaters or house, church, hospital, school, book store, 2) build a Korean style (tile roofed) building and use it-house, hospital, school, 3) build a Western style (timber structured and zinc roofed) building and use it- church, 4) build a Western style (masonry structured and tile or zinc roofed) building and use it- house, church, school and hospital. Secondly, the characteristics is 1) In the Korean style building, ․the missionaries change into the function to match with their purpose. ․they modify the Korean style timber structure by influx of building material-brick, glass, carpet etc. . ․they occupy into the Korean existing residential area. 2) In the Western style building, ․the missionaries build the house correspond with their living pattern. ․they build the church with the eclectic of Western and Korean timber frame. ․and also build the house and hospital with the eclectic of Western and Korean masonry structure.․their building located in the isolate hill separated from the existing Korean residential area.


 1. 序論
 2. 美國 北長老會 淸州宣敎部 形成過程
 3. 美國 北長老會 淸州宣敎部 建築過程
 4. 美國 北長老會 淸州宣敎部建築의 特性
 5. 結論


  • 도선봉 Dho, SunBoong. 충북대학교 대학원 건축공학과 박사과정 수료
  • 한규영 Han, KyuYoung. 충북대학교 공과대학 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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