

Tango Ocho - 1 : Functional Anatomical Characteristics of Dissociation and the Tango Pivot




Argentine tango (tango) has been used in therapy in the medical field. Tango has many unique movements, and the basic elements of tango were recently analysed according to the kinematic description of tango terms. The functional anatomical significance and clinical application of tango postures and stances as well as tango gait define level 1-grade tango therapy. Tango ocho is classified as level 2-grade tango therapy and contains the distinctive motion of tango. Additionally, ocho is a way to move the free lower limb across the stance limb (the weight-supporting lower limb). An ocho pivot is unique to tango. The ocho pivot sequence (OPS) is the method for performing ocho step sequences, including ocho adelante, ocho atras and ocho cortado. The OPS consists of the following: 1st dissociation, torsion of the body (torsion), release of the torsion and 2nd dissociation. From the OPS, many artistic and characteristic motions of the tango are developed. In this article, an analysis of the unique characteristics of tango ocho was conducted, including a functional anatomical description for use in the therapeutic application of tango therapy..


1. Introduction
2. Methods of Analysis
1) Studio setting
2) Participants
3) Analysis of ocho
3. Results
1) Definition of terms describing tango ocho(Terminology)
2) Ocho
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Youngsoon Koh Medical Tango, Jeju-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
  • Yoonchul Hu Tango School, Seoul
  • Chang Won Ha Department of Pathology, Cheju Halla General Hospital
  • Geunwoong Noh Allergy and Clinical Immunology Center, Cheju Halla General Hospital, Jeju-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea


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