

이효석 문학관과 소설창작기법 고찰 - 비소설류 텍스트를 중심으로


A Study on Lee Hyo-Seok's Literary Viewpoints and Novel Construction Methods - With a focus on his nonfiction texts


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lee Hyo-seok's literature has been subjected to ambivalent assessments due to its interpretations inclined toward either the former or latter period, urban or rural novels, realism or modernism, and eroticism or orientation toward the West. This study set out to investigate Lee's literary viewpoints and creative methodologies that he sought after based on his nonfiction texts. Lee was born in Bongpyeong, Gangwon Province and graduated from the Gyeongseong Imperial University in the department of English literature. Being a professor and author that taught literature at a university, he left various experimental works reacting to the cruel reality of the Japanese rule based on his ample knowledge and theories of literature. He created a complex and hybrid literary world under the influence of Japanese professors during his college years, Marxism that was dominant in the literary circles, his research on Synge, an Irish playwright that was the topic of his dissertation, and Western writers such as Chekhov, Mansfield and Dostoevski. Stressing that literature required all of its elements including any materials, ideas, and thematic consciousness based on imagination and artistry, Lee established diverse, multicultural and contemporary literary viewpoints. Believing that environments and situations were factors of creative production and that an author could create literature that would smell like a block of fermented soybeans or butter, he westernized his lifestyle including food and clothing culture in order to create modern literature. Thundering at writers that tried to avoid love and lust materials, he made complaints about the interpretations that regarded his literature as eroticism. To him, modern Western literature was sensual, human body smell or youth literature based on Hellenism. He placed as big importance on artistic techniques, aesthetic consciousness, and poetic atmosphere as thematic consciousness that was critical of reality. Encompassing all of dream and reality, life and poetry, romance and facts, truth and joy, poetic turn of mind and prose spirit, description, and psychology, his literature was criticized for the lack of consistency and the absence of grip on reality and historical consciousness. Represented by "empty heads of grain," his hatred against people was reflected on the types of his characters. He displayed his preference for places, projecting his ideas into such spaces as the cafe Tong, Jueul Hot Spring, Vladivostok and Harbin. Defining "pure realism" as literature to ensure both thematic consciousness and artistry, Lee laid a foundation for his literary viewpoints based on his literary theories and knowledge and created his own original creative world through his experimentation and concern with them in his works. These findings indicate that his literary viewpoints and novel construction methods deconstructed dichotomous elements through nonfiction materials and contained, unified, and put together both of them. In addition, his works hold such literary values as diversity, multiculturalism, and contemporaneity as they dissected the power patterns of a modern society based on money, sex, and appearance.


복합적이고양가적이며진폭이큰이효석문학은극단적인평가를받아왔 다. 서구취향, 유미주의, 서정성과낭만적요소, 마르크시즘, 에로티즘등일관되 지않는그의문학세계는양쪽진영에서인정받지못했고이러한논란은지금까 지이어져왔다. 본고는소설중심으로분석되고있는 선행연구에서벗어나비 소설류 텍스트에 나타난 작가의식과 이효석이 추구했던 문학관과 소설창작기 법을 고찰하였다. 이효석에게중요한문학적요소는풍토, 기후, 육체, 습속등의환경이기에 자신의삶자체를서구생활양식으로바꿀정도로서구근대문학에대한열망을 드러냈다. 그에게메주문학, 버터문학, 어른문학, 국민문학, 애욕문학등은환경 적요인에비롯된것이고, 어느한 사상, 한 방향, 한주조, 한 시대만의 문학을 강조하는것은무지와오만이라고항변하였다. 또한작가들은각각의존재이유 가 있기에 다양하고 다채로운 작품의 출현이 필요한 열린 문학을 지향하였다. 도시문학, 서정문학, 계급문학, 애욕문학, 일본어문학등 일관성이없고진폭이 큰그의문학세계는양자를내포통일하고융합하려는문학관의결과였다. 작가 에게좋은문학이란 주제의식과예술성, 낭만과리얼, 묘사와심리, 현실적객관 과심리적해부, 진실의전달과진실의표현, 현실의식과미의식등양자가내포 된통일미를형상화하는것이다. 그에게미의식과예술적기교는포기할 수없 는 근대문학의 특질이었기에 리얼리즘과 모더니즘을 양립하는 문학을 추구했 다. 그러나 이분법적 기준에서 벗어나 변증법적으로 지양했던 이효석 문학은 식민지상황이라는특수한조건속에서현실인식을희석시키거나모호한결과 를 낳았다. 작중인물유형에서는 청년, 여성, 룸펜지식인이 주로 등장하며 ‘쭉정이’로 표상되는인간혐오를내포하고있지만시대의고통과인간의추함을소설창작 으로 극복할 정도로 일생동안 문학에 대한 애착과 열정을 보였다. 기성세대가 지닌 전근대적인삶을비판하는작가는젊은이의성과사랑, 욕망을소재로성 숙과 발육과정을 그린 성장소설적 특징을 지닌다. 하나의 상품이자 근대성의 상징인거리의여성은교양미와관능미를모두지닌엥겔스걸이나카페여급이 다. 역사, 시대, 시간보다는지리와공간에비중을둔이효석은안온하고안정된 장소가불가능한식민지현실에서강렬한토포필리아를드러냈다. 그는각각의 장소에관념을불어넣고자신이지향하는주제의식을표출했다. 이효석문학은 이분법적인 기준을해체하고 양가적인 요소를작품 속에 투영하였으며돈, 성, 외모, 육체에기반한자본주의근대의권력양상을해부했다는점에서동시대적 의미를 지니고 있다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 문학관 형성과 소설유형
Ⅲ. 소설기법 및 미의식의 추구
Ⅳ. 작중인물묘사와 유형적 특징
Ⅴ. 공간과 이념의 유기적 사유방식
Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 이미림 Lee Mi Rim. 강릉원주대학교 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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