

한중 및 동아시아 인문학



Re-discussion of “Chadianr VP” in Chinese



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” is a type of the construction with a negative meaning. It includes three kinds of meaning: The meaning of (A), which is “near to VP”, means “it is near to the situation denoted by VP”. The meaning of (B), which is “having not become VP”, means “it has not become the situation denoted by VP”. The meaning of (C) with a restrictive function acting on the whole construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” is “mainly expressing the meaning of (B), i.e. ‘having not become VP’”. The three meanings have already merged into a rational meaning of the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP”. Furthermore, under the constraint of the meaning of VP, “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” can express the meaning of disappointment or luck, which forms a common function of the construction. Someone argued that in the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” there is only a relationship of entailment between the meanings of “near to VP” and “having not become VP”. According to this perspective, the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” cannot express the meaning of “having not become VP” directly. This paper proves that the above perspective is not the case. The opinion made in this paper is that although the meaning of “having not become VP” which expressed by the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” was entailed from the meaning of “near to VP” originally, but the focal point expressed by the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” is now the meaning of “having not become VP”, not the relationship of entailment between the meanings of “near to VP” and “having not become VP”. Briefly, the main function of the construction of “Chadianr (差点儿, nearly) VP” is to express the meaning of “having not become VP”, “near to VP” is only the secondary meaning to restrict the scope of the meaning expressed by the construction.


‘差点儿VP’는 부정 의미를 나타내는 구문이며 (A) ‘VP접근’ 및 (B) ‘VP 미달’ 두 가지 의미를 포함하는 동시에 전반제약 역할을 하는 (C)의미도 포함하고 있다. (C)는 (B) ‘VP 미달’ 을 강조시키는 의미이다. ‘差点儿VP’의 이성 구문의미는 바로 (A), (B)와 (C)가 합쳐 구성된 것이다. VP의미의 제약에 ‘差点儿VP’가 안타깝다는 의미와 다행이라는 의미를 나타내며 자주 쓰이는 기능이다. ‘差点儿VP’구문에 ‘VP접근’은 ‘VP 미달’을 함의한다는 관점에 따르면 ‘差点儿VP’구문이 ‘VP 미달’을 직접 나타내지 않다. 그러나 ‘差点儿VP’구문에는 ‘VP접근’이 ‘VP 미달’을 함의하더라고 이 구문의 핵심의미가 ‘VP 미달’에 있고 (A)와 (B) 사이의 함축 관계가 아니라는 것은 본고의 주장이다. 요컨대 ‘差点儿VP’의 핵심의미는 ‘VP 미달’이고 ‘VP 접근’이 단지 부차적 의미뿐이며 의미범주제약 역할을 한다.


1. 引言
2. X兼具(A)、(B)义而重在表示(B)义
3. 是X(A)衍推Y而非X衍推Y
4. X(B)义并非凭空添加
5. “差点儿VP”是一种否定义构式
6. “差点儿VP”构式有两种差别明显的否定形式
7. 表示特定的感情义是“差点儿VP”的常用功能
8. 结语


  • 左思民 좌사민. 高丽大学校 中语中文学科 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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