

실직에의 대처과정모형



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The loss of a job is frequently cited as one of the traumatic life experiences, along with divorce or the death of a spouse. Studies indicate that job loss places these people at increased risk of poor mental health in terms of increased depression, anxiety, minor psychiatric morbidity, and decreased self-esteem and life satisfaction, and causes other negative consequences. But much less research has been devoted to understanding the coping individuals use to help them deal with the experience of unemployment. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to address the coping of job loss. The discrepancy appraisal directly affects an individual's coping strategies that may be control oriented or escape oriented. The influence that the discrepancy appraisal has on coping strategies, however, is moderated by a person's perceptions of coping efficacy. Coping efficacy is defined as individual beliefs about successfully enacting a variety of coping strategies in a specific situation. Coping resources are another antecedent of coping strategies. They include personal and environmental factors that are available to deal with life-facet discrepancies. Coping resources have both direct and indirect effects on coping strategies. Coping resources indirectly affect coping strategies through the direct effect they have on a person's discrepancy appraisal. Coping strategies also have an impact on the depletion or replenishment of coping resources. Duration of the job loss discrepancy is an undergirding influence in the process of coping. The impact of duration on the process is critical and complex because all modeled relationships can change as unemployment continues.


I. 서론
 II. 실직에의 대처과정
  1. 정의와 연구흐름
  2. 실직에의 대처과정모형
  3. 불일치의 평가
 III. 실직에의 대처전략
  1. 실직에의 대처전략
  2. 대처자원과 대처전략
  3. 대처효능감과 대처전략
  4. 실직기간과 피드백
 IV. 결론


  • 이원행 초당대학교 디지털경영학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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