

Technology Convergence (TC)

Clustering for Home Healthcare Service Satisfaction using Parameter Selection



Recently, the importance of big data continues to be emphasized, and it is applied in various fields based on data mining techniques, which has a great influence on the health care industry. There are many healthcare industries, but only home health care is considered here. However, applying this to real problems does not always give perfect results, which is a problem. Therefore, data mining techniques are used to solve these problems, and the algorithms that affect performance are evaluated. This paper focuses on the effects of healthcare services on patient satisfaction and satisfaction. In order to use the CVParameterSelectin algorithm and the SMOreg algorithm of the classify method of data mining, it was evaluated based on the experiment and the verification of the results. In this paper, we analyzed the services of home health care institutions and the patient satisfaction analysis based on the name, address, service provided by the institution, mood of the patients, etc. In particular, we evaluated the results based on the results of cross validation using these two algorithms. However, the existence of variables that affect the outcome does not give a perfect result. We used the cluster analysis method of weka system to conduct the research of this paper.


1. Introduction
2. Research methods
2.1 Item set formation for clustering
2.2 Parameter selection for cross validation
3. Experiment
3.1 Experimental data
3.2 Preprocess
3.3 Experimental result
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. Acknowledgment


  • Jae Hong Lee CEO of Ubivelox
  • Hyo Sun Kim Dept. of Medical IT
  • Yong Gyu Jung Dept. of Medical IT
  • Byung Heon Cha Biomedical laboratory science} Eulji University


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