

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Study on Garden Facility Management of Seoul Garden Show 2015 and 2016




This study focuses(selected) on garden facilities of designer gardens created at the 1st and 2nd Seoul Garden Shows and examined installed facilities at each designer garden by categorization according to type, material and functions. The study observed problems occurring from maintenance of garden facilities as time passes by and collected basic data to develop maintenance guideline aiming to make contribution to further spreading and promotion of high quality garden culture. This study examined all gardens created at 1st and 2nd Seoul Garden shows in 2015 and 2016. There were 18 gardens built in 2015 and 16 in 2015.The study looked at responsible entities for maintenance of facilities and examined maintenance system for managing these gardens. Garden facilities of the study were categorized into paving, facility for rest, playground, water facility, environmental sculpture and planting media facility according to categorization by landscape design standards and construction guidelines. Target gardens of this study are maintained mostly by citizen gardeners who are passionately carrying out maintenance work while communicating with designers. However, these citizen gardeners lack technical knowledge to manage various facilities. Also, maintenance manuals submitted by garden designers do not offer sufficient details on facility maintenance which calls for professional maintenance and clear instructions on facilities from early phase of design.


1. Introduction
2. Relevant Research
3. Method
3.1 Subject of this study
4. Results
4.1. Responsible entities for maintenance and maintenance system
5. Conclusion and Discussion
6. References


  • Kwang-pyo Hong Dongguk University-Gyeongju, Department of Landscape Architecture
  • Hyuk-jae LEE The Korean Institute of Garden Design


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