

Implementation of Spectrum Analysis System for Vibration Monitoring



Factory monitoring systems are gaining importance in wide areas of industry. Especially, there have been many efforts in implementation of vibration measurement and analysis for monitoring the status of rotating machines. In this paper, a digital signal processor (DSP) based monitoring system dedicated to the vibration monitoring and analysis on rotating machines is discussed. Vibration signals are acquired and processed for the continuous monitoring of the machine status. Time domain signals and fast Fourier transform (FFT) are used for vibration analysis. All of the signal processing procedures are done in the DSP to reduce the production and maintenance cost. The developed system could also provide remote and mobile monitoring capabilities to operator via internet connection. This paper describes the overview of the functional blocks of the implemented system. Test results based on signals from small-size single phase motors are discussed for monitoring and defect diagnosis of the machine status.


1. Introduction
2. System Model
3. Experiment Results
4. Conclusion


  • Thanh Ngoc Nguyen Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea
  • Taehyun Jeon Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea


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