

Factors Influencing Information Systems Adoption : A Review of the Literature




For the last two decades, a number of information systems are developed for various aims, depending on business’ needs. There are a lot of organizations in the world which are using information systems in their environment, such as telecommunications organizations, universities and banks. Using information system has become crucial for most of organizations regarding with increasing the performance of work procedures and improve productivity and efficiency in general. There are many different models that have been designed and validated to explain the effect of constructs on the adoption of technologies. The aim of this research is to review the literature on information systems adoption and to analyze the different types of models which are frequently applied by researchers in their efforts to examine the factors that estimate the adoption of technologies. The research explores information systems adoption literature that focuses on development models.


1. Introduction
2. Information Systems Adoption: A review of the Literature
2.1 IS Adoption Research Models
3. Comparing of Conceptual Models
4. Conclusion


  • Aida Hakemi Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Maslin Masrom Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia


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