A Study of the Influences of the Korean Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design for Apartment Housing on Climate Change Preparation
As the impacts of climate change like hot extremes of heat waves and tropical nights phenomenon are becoming increasingly apparent, a wide variety of policies are emerging at national and city level to respond to climate change. However, little attempt has been made to examine how apartment complex design can mitigate green house gases and adapt to climate change. This study analyses the current korean Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED) for apartment complex and investigates its effects on climate mitigation and adaptation. On-line survey and the focused group interview were used for the assessments of 66 credits under 9 categories of the current korean G-SEED. The major findings from the analysis are the followings. Firstly, the G-SEED’s effects on climate mitigation indicates that 36 credits are linked to the reduction of green house gases(GHGs) emission and 5 credits to the removal of GHGs. Secondly, 41 credits are likely to contribute to climate adaptation and the rest are unlikely. The orderly effects on climate adaptation are ecological capacity, thermal comfort, human health, supply security, and disaster prevention. Thirdly, influence types were distinguished and the half of the credits are likely to have positive synergies between mitigation and adaptation. Some credits were found to possibly have negative effects depending on site conditions, development pattern, or design. These result shows that 67% of the credits of the current korean G-SEED are likely to have positive effects either on climate mitigation or adaptation while the rest are unlikely. Additional measures are required to enhance positive synergies and avoid negative effects on the preparation of climate change.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 기후변화 대응을 위한 녹색건축 인증제도
2.1 기후변화 대응의 방법
2.2 기후변화 대응을 위한 해외 녹색건축 인증제도
2.3 국내 공동주택 녹색건축 인증기준
3 현행 공동주택 녹색건축 인증이 기후변화 대응에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위한 분석의 틀 설정
3.1 분석의 틀 설정
3.2 분석의 방법
4. 국내 공동주택 G-SEED의 기후변화 대응영향
4.1 국내 공동주택 G-SEED의 기후완화 영향
4.2 국내 공동주택 G-SEED의 기후적응 영향
4.3 국내 공동주택 G-SEED의 기후변화 대응영향 종합
4.4 시사점 및 개선의 방향
5. 결론