

타워크레인 안전사고의 분석을 통한 다수 재해의 인양물 및 기인물의 사전 점검 방안의 고찰


Pre-Inspection Plans of Lifting Objects and Originalcause Materials of Majority Disaster through the Analysis of Safety Accidents of Tower Crane


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, pre-safety inspection of T/C lifting work is very important because many disasters have occurred such as plunge in the T/C lifting process by the increase of logistics volume and large size of lifting material due to the manhattanization of construction works. However, the similar disasters occur repeatedly due to the lack of analysis of the linkage between disaster occurrence factors (disaster type, originalcause material, disaster cause) as well as the cause analysis of past disasters. From this point of view, the object of this study is to suggest the methodology of disaster prevention to consider rationalization of T/C safe operation targeting T/C disaster 108 cases in construction site from 1991 to 2013. In order to accomplish the object of this study, disaster cause occurred during T/C lifting process was classified, after analyzing disaster types for each lifting object and originalcause material of majority disaster and disaster occurrence principle was considered. Based on the case study and related laws, we suggested pre-inspection contents for each lifting object and originalcause material of majority disaster and improvement plans of lifting order of gang form.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 이론적인 고찰 및 선행 관련 연구의 주요 내용
2.1 T/C 인양(양중) 작업의 특성
2.2 선행 관련 연구의 요약 및 동향
3. T/C에 의한 인양과정에서의 재해 사례연구
3.1 T/C 재해조사 대상별 현황
3.2 T/C 재해원인의 분류관점 및 다수 재해 대상별 재해유형
3.3 다수 재해의 인양물 및 기인물별 재해발생원리
3.4 종합적인 고찰
4. T/C 재해 사례연구를 통한 사고방지 방안의 고찰
4.1. 다수 재해 인양물별 사전 점검내용
4.2 다수 재해 기인물별 사전 점검내용
5. 결론


  • 김진호 Kim, Jin-Ho. 동명대학교 건축․디자인대학 건축공학과 조교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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