The Shaping of the Spontaneous Space for Commemorating and Its spatial Features - Focusing on Exit 10 of Gangnam Subway Station -
This research explores a way of shaping spontaneous commemorating space and spatial features by focusing on a case of Exit 10, Gangnam Subway Station in 2016. Existing literature indicates several features of spontaneous commemorating space concerning locations, materials, transformation, design, and symbolism. These features can be seen in the case of Exit 10 as well: while a site has less relationship with where an original event occurred, it involves material objects of commemorating. Also, there was a voluntary design of displaying material objects led by citizens even though uncertainty inheres in it, and thereby the Exit 10 symbolized the event. Building on these findings, this research suggests three spatial feature of it. First, transforming public space into a place of resistance is based on characteristics—complexity and incompleteness—that cities have. Second, Exit 10 of Gangnam Subway Station reveals an implicit and temporal engagement with place, which is one of the features of non-place. Third, an entrance of subway stations gains symbolic meanings by playing a crucial role in the distribution of commemorating space at different entrances of subway stations. Finally, this research contributes to a better understanding of equivocality that our surroundings have within urban areas.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 문헌 연구
2.1 사용자에 의한 공간의 형성
2.2 공공공간에서의 자발적 추모공간
3. 강남역 추모공간 형성과정과 특성
3.1 중성의 공간
3.2 강남역 10번 출구에서의 추모행위와 공간 형성
3.3 철거 및 보존
4. 시민 자발적 추모공간의 특징과 함의
4.1 저항으로서의 일상 공간
4.2 장소에 대한 일시적 계약
4.3 공공의 기억과 장소
5. 결론