

우리나라 지방자치단체의 준공건축물을 위한 건축상 제도


A Study on Awarding System for Completion Building of Local Governments in Korea

이동희, 김화정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to secure the basic materials as reference to operate and maintain the proper architectural award policy in the future by understanding overall condition and problems of architectural award policy for buildings completed by Korean local governments. I investigated the operating condition of architectural award policy via the internet surfing, telephone interview with public officials and analyzed the findings. The results are as follows: 1) From January 1971 to December 2016, the architectural award policies were run in 15 out of 17 metropolitan cities and provinces (88.2%); 40 out of 226 cities and countries (17.7%). 2) As of December 2016, the number of the cities taking effect the architectural award policy is 11 (73.3%) for metropolitan cities, and 12 (28.6%) for cities and countries. The reasons why the policy was interrupted are: short number of the entries, the consolidation of the awards between metropolitans and provinces, violation of election law, absence of legal basis, short of budget and so on. 3) Among the local governments with the architectural award policy, the number of those that had the regulation (ordinance) related with architectural award was 12 (80.0%) for metropolitan cities and provinces (80.0%); 20 cities and countries (50.0%). 4) The names of the awards are usually ‘grand prize, best prize, excellence prize’ and ‘gold prize, silver prize, bronze prize’. 5) The type of the contest is usually categorized into ‘residence, non-residence’ or ‘general, public’ buildings.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
1.3 선행연구의 고찰
2. 건축상 시행개요
2.1 특ㆍ광역시 및 도 주관 건축상 개요
2.2 시군구 주관 건축상 개요
3. 건축상 시행규정
3.1 특ㆍ광역시 및 도 주관 건축상 규정
3.2 시군구 주관 건축상 규정
4. 건축상 시행실태
4.1 특ㆍ광역시 및 도 주관 건축상 실태
4.2 시군구 주관 건축상 실태
5. 건축상 시상내역
5.1 특ㆍ광역시 및 도 주관 건축상 내역
5.2 시군구 주관 건축상 내역
6. 건축상 공모부문
6.1 특ㆍ광역시 및 도 주관 건축상 부문
6.2 시군구 주관 건축상 대상
7. 결론


  • 이동희 Lee, Dong-Hee. 순천대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사
  • 김화정 Kim, Hwa-Jeong. 순천대학교 건축학부 시간강사, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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